Engagement Strategy: Context and Scope


At Te Pātaka Whaioranga – Pharmac we have well-established systems for assessment and procurement of medicines, and growing capability in the field of hospital medical devices. However, traditionally we have not had a consistent approach to how we engage with partners and stakeholders. 

Te Pātaka Whaioranga’s Te Tiriti o Waitangi Policy and the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Act 2022 (the Pae Ora Act) have provided us an opportunity to strengthen our approach and identify actions to improve our engagement with partners and stakeholders.

This strategy enables and links to existing work across the wider health and public sectors. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • internal strategies, such as Te Whaioranga and the Pacific Responsiveness Strategy, as well as accountability documents, such as the Statement of Performance Expectations 2023/24 and Statement of Intent
  • external strategic documents, such as the New Zealand Health Strategy and five Health Strategies for priority populations, the Code of Expectations for Health Entities’ Engagement with Consumers and Whānau, Interim Government Policy Statement on Health, and commitments from the independent review of Pharmac.
  • external engagement guidance documents, such as Te Arawhiti’s Crown engagement with Māori guidelines and Ministry of Pacific Peoples’ Yavu - Foundations of Pacific Engagement Tool.


This Engagement Strategy outlines our approach for engaging with external partners and stakeholders and the actions required to strengthen the way we do it. 

Partners are Māori, as te Tiriti o Waitangi partners with the Crown, and our Government health sector partners.

Stakeholders are an external organisation, entity, or individual that may impact or in turn be affected by our work. This includes, but is not limited to, the health sector, Pacific peoples, disabled people and other population groups, Government, representative groups, suppliers (excluding business services), and consumers and their whānau.

Out of scope for this Strategy is engagement with the media and general public. This engagement is generally one-way (broadcast) and captured in external communications strategies and plans.