Practitioners supply order (PSO)

The PSO list is updated monthly with the Schedule.

The PSO list is also available to download in a spreadsheet (see the 6th tab/worksheet) [XLSX](external link)

Rural PSOs 

Designated rural practices can order any product listed in the Pharmaceutical Schedule, provided that all the funding requirements of the listing are met. If the listing states ‘only on a prescription’, or the product requires a Special Authority, then it is not funded on a rural PSO. A quantity reasonable for up to one month’s supply, under the conditions normally existing in the practice, can be ordered on a rural PSO. Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora decides what practices are designated rural.

Pharmaceutical rule about Rural PSOs

PSO Forms

The Ministry of Health creates and distributes PSO forms.

You can order forms from Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora

Who can order medicines on a PSO?

Any prescriber – including a dentist, midwife and others. See the definition of Prescriber in Section A: General Rules of the Pharmaceutical Schedule. The medicines ordered must be within the scope of practice of the prescriber.

Read the definition

What medicines can be ordered on a PSO?

Those medicines used for the reasons in Rule 1.3.2e. The products and quantities ordered must be within the limits specified in the individual product listing.

Read Rule 1.3.2e

How do I dispense antibiotics on a PSO for the Rheumatic Fever Prevention Programme?

Rule 1.3.4 allows practitioners to order multiple courses of antibiotics for their patients through PSO, this is more than normally allowed on a PSO.

Read Rule 1.3.4