He Rongoā Pai, He Oranga Whānau
Whānau staying well with medicines
Ko Ranginui kei runga
Ko Papatūānuku kei raro
Ko ngā tāngata kei waenganui
Tihei Mauri Ora!
Nau mai haere mai ki tēnei pae tukutuku o
He Rongoā Pai He Oranga Whānau kaupapa.
He mihi nui ki a koutou, ngā kaimahi hauora,
e mahi ana i te taha o ā tātou whānau hei whaioranga.
Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa.
What is He Rongoā Pai, He Oranga Whānau (HRPHOW)?
The HRPHOW kaupapa is a practical and evidence-based approach to keeping whānau Māori well with medicines.
People who attend a one-day HRPHOW wānanga will learn to:
- understand what subsidised (funded) medicines are and how access for whānau can be improved
- be aware of and put into practice the safe and optimal use of medicines
- feel confident to increase their advocacy skills when working with whānau Māori and promote medicines as part of managing overall health care
- understand how Rongoā Māori works with pharmaceuticals.
Who is it for?
Wānanga run as part of He Rongoā Pai, He Oranga Whānau are open (but not limited) to:
- community health workers
- Māori primary care nurses
- whānau.
Note: He Rongoā Pai, He Oranga Whānau is not intended to be a cultural competency course for health professionals.
Who leads this work?
Leanne Te Karu, Prescribing Pharmacist and member of Ngā Kaitiaki o te Puna Rongoā (The Māori Pharmacists' Association Inc) and other contracted providers facilitate each wānanga.
They perform an essential role at each wānanga, using their knowledge and expertise of medicines management to educate participants about the optimal use of medicines, so that they may use this knowledge with whānau.
Hosting a wānanga
The role of the partner organisation
The role of the partner organisation that has chosen to host a HRPHOW wānanga in their rohe covers the following activities.
- assess the needs of their community for local knowledge about medicines
- communicate with the facilitator to select what health areas need to be covered at the wānanga
- manage all the logistics* of the wānanga
*Pharmac provides a lump sum payment that should cover all logistics.
Wānanga kaupapa are usually about one of the five Hauora Arotahi (Māori health Areas of Focus). There may be other topics, depending on what participants are experiencing with their whānau.
Pharmac's involvement is to promote, support and assist in funding the wānanga.
Who to contact
If you would like to host a wānanga, email enquiry@pharmac.govt.nz