The passing of our kaumātua Pāpā Bill
It is with deep sadness that we share the news of Pāpā Bill Kaua’s passing on Saturday 9 December.

Tihei mauriora!
Kia hiwa rā!
Kia hiwa rā!
Kia hiwa ki tēnei tuku!
Kia hiwa ki tēnā tuku!
Kia hiwa rā… Kia hiwa rā!
Ko o mātau manawā e kakapa nei.
E kakapa ana ki te rā, ki ngā whetū, ki te marama, ka tau nei kai te rua.
Tahi mātau ka kite i te hē
Tahi mātau ka kite i te raru
Mōu tō mātau tau kahurangi
Tērā ka riro kai Paerau!
Kai te huinga o te kahurangi ka oti atu koutou e!
Hoki wairua atu rā e te Rangatira Pāpā Bill ki to tātau Atua, ki ngā tīpuna, ki o mātua, ki te huinga o te kahurangi.
Ahakoa kua whakatā to tinana, ēngari ko ō mahi ringa rehe me tō ngākau whakatoi ka mau tonu ki te whatumanawa o tēna, o tēna o mātau.
No reira e te Rangatira, e te taonga ā te mate, haere, haere, whakauru te moe.
It is with deep sadness that we share the news of Pāpā Bill Kaua’s passing on Saturday 9 December. Bill has served as our kaumātua for the past 13 years, has been a staunch supporter of our work and is a renowned repository of public service knowledge. He will be greatly missed by his whānau and all who have known him.
This story is part of the Rērere Kōrero
The Rērere Kōrero will keep you informed on how Te Pātaka Whaioranga – Pharmac is supporting whānau Māori to achieve their best health and wellbeing through access to medicines and medical devices.