Covid-19: Hospital medical devices and Pharmac

During the COVID-19 response Pharmac has been working closely with DHB hospital medical device suppliers to stay on top of any supply issues.

Information for contracted suppliers

Supply chain issues

You know your supply chains best. If you see any potential issues, please get in contact. We have access to a range of government services that may help.


Price changes 

We are aware that some contracted prices for medical devices are under pressure, due to the international response to COVID-19. 

We are considering how to address this in a fair and reasonable way. If you have urgent concerns, email

Information for DHBs

We acknowledge that the health sector is under pressure while responding to Covid-19.

Pharmac established the ad hoc Critical Care Advisory Group (CCAG). The group could be asked for clinical advice relating to the hospital medical devices needed to look after people in intensive care with COVID-19.  

Find a list of members of CCAG and the meeting minutes

We continue to monitor the supply chain with our suppliers and communicate to the sector when issues arise.  

We are working through what that means for our work on contracting medical devices.

Who to contact

If you have any questions, suggestions or advice, email: