Draft invitation to tender: Industry feedback

About this form

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  • You cannot save your progress. 
  • The form does not register text formatting, such as bold or hyperlinks. 
  • There is no character limit on any field. 
  • You will receive an email with a summary of your feedback when you submit the form.

Your feedback may be shared

Feedback we receive is subject to the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA). Please be aware that we may need to share your feedback, including your identity, in response to an OIA request. This applies to anyone providing feedback, whether they are providing feedback themselves or for an organisation, in a personal or professional capacity.

We can only keep feedback confidential as allowed under the OIA and other related laws. If you want any part of your feedback treated as confidential, you need to tell us. Please let us know if you want to keep part of your feedback confidential, and why. Is it commercially sensitive, confidential or proprietary, or personal information? Clearly state this and tell us which parts of your feedback you want to keep confidential for these reasons. We will consider your request under our OIA requirements.

Your privacy is important

Your personal information is collected and stored in line with Pharmac's Privacy statement.