Trelegy Ellipta: Newly funded treatment for COPD

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Trelegy Ellipta is a single inhaler triple-therapy which is funded to treat chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Funded from 1 May 2024

We have targeted the funding for Trelegy Ellipta for those who will get the most benefit. The funding criteria were decided following feedback from the community and medical experts. 

Special Authority access criteria(external link)

If you have COPD and are interested in this treatment. Talk to your doctor or the person who prescribes your COPD medicines about whether you qualify for funded access to Trelegy Ellipta.

Summary of Pharmac's decision to fund Trelegy Ellipta

People prescribed Trelegy Ellipta

The Healthify website has information about this treatment, including a video on how to use an Ellipta device.

Trelegy Ellipta Factsheet [PDF] - Healthify(external link)

Tasha, a pharmacist from Auckland City Hospital, shows you how to use an Ellipta device

Information for health care professionals

Trelegy Ellipta contains fluticasone furoate, umeclidinium and vilanterol. It can replace multiple inhalers for a single device. You can learn more about prescribing Trelegy Ellipta at:

NZ Formulary Monograph(external link)

Medsafe Datasheet [PDF](external link)

COPD treatment tool BPACnz(external link)

There are funding criteria that need to be met, so you will need to complete a Special Authority application. However, once approved, it is approved for life. You will not need to renew the authority.

Special Authority form [PDF](external link)

How to apply for a Special Authority

Who to contact

If you have questions about whether this product is right for you or if you qualify for funding, you will need to talk to your prescriber. Pharmac cannot comment on anyone's individual clinical circumstances.

If you have general questions about the funding for this medicine, email