SensoCard blood glucose test strips (for the visually impaired): Supply issue resolved

There was a supply issue affecting SensoCard blood glucose test strips (for visually impaired people) (Pharmacode: 2328410).

Affected product

Current stock in the country had expired before the next shipment was due. These Sensocards have now been resupplied.

  • Product: Blood glucose test strips
  • Brand: SensoCard
  • Pharmacode: 2328410
  • Subsidy: $33.69
  • Measure / Qty: per 50 test OP

Schedule listing for SensoCard(external link)

Alternative product

Pharmac funded a CareSens N Voice meter and a box of the associated CareSens N test strips for anyone unable to access SensoCard blood glucose test strips.

Pharmac contacted each pharmacy that dispenses SensoCard test strips. We've asked the pharmacy to contact affected people. Pharmac also contacted individual prescribers who have recently prescribed SensoCard test strips to ensure they are informed about the situation.

Information for pharmacies

If a patient needs a CareSens N Voice meter and the corresponding test strips, the pharmacy can contact the supplier, Pharmaco, on 0800 458 267 or

Pharmacies will be completely reimbursed for providing the alternative devices and test strips as well as for the associated counselling involved.

Who to contact

If you have questions about this issue, email

Please include as much information as you can about the product (presentation, brand, pharmacode) and who your wholesaler is.  

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