Pediasure (Paediatric feed): Supply issue

Supply issue Active

Abbott are out of stock of Pediasure Vanilla 250 ml (Pharmacode: 2444879).

Affected product

Paediatric oral feed 1kcal/ml

  • Brand: Pediasure
  • Flavour: Vanilla
  • Pharmacode: 2444879
  • Subsidy: $1.66
  • Measure / Qty: per 250 ml OP

Pediasure is listed as an example brand in the HML.

Alternative products

All 200 ml flavours of Pediasure are available. No new Special Authority is required to use other flavours.

Pediasure listings in the Community Schedule(external link)

Who to contact

If you have questions about this issue, email

Please include as much information as you can about the product (presentation, brand, pharmacode) and who your wholesaler is.  

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