Ganciclovir inj 500 mg vial: Hospital only supply issue resolved

The supplier is resupplied with Ganciclovir (Inj 500 mg vial) Pharmacode 422037.

Affected product

Pharmaco, the supplier advised that there was a shipment delay. 

  • Chemical: Ganciclovir
  • Presentation: Inj 500 mg vial
  • Brand: Cymevene
  • Pharmacode: 422037
  • Subsidy: $380.00
  • Measure / Qty: per 5

Listing for ganciclovir injections in the HML(external link)

Alternative product

The supplier brought in some Australian stock which has the same packaging. It was available from early July 2024. Noting that it may take time to get from the supplier to pharmacies.


The delayed shipment arrived mid-July 2024. By 17 July all stock had been cleared through quality assurance and released to wholesalers. It will take a week or two after the shipment arrives for this stock to makes its way through the supply chain.

Who to contact

If you have questions about this issue, email

Please include as much information as you can about the product (presentation, brand, pharmacode) and who your wholesaler is.  

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