Fluticasone propionate (Flixonase Hayfever & Allergy) Metered aqueous nasal spray: Supply issue

Supply issue Active

Due to events in the Red Sea, the next shipment of Flixonase metered nasal spray (Pharmacode 2407000) was delayed. We are continuing to monitor availability.

20 June 2024 update

The supplier is out of stock of this product again. They had stock in May 2024, however higher than usual demand has used up available supplies.

Resupply is expected in July 2024.

Affected product

Due to higher than expected demand, the supplier, Haleon, is out of stock of:

  • Chemical: Fluticasone propionate
  • Presentation: Metered aqueous nasal spray, 50 mcg per dose
  • Brand: Flixonase Hayfever & Allergy 
  • Pharmacode: 2407000 
  • Subsidy: $1.98
  • Measure / Qty: per 120 dose OP

Some stock may still be in the supply chain with wholesalers.


Stock had arrived in May 2024. However this stock has run out again. The supplier is working to speed up its next delivery to July 2024. 

Funded alternatives available

There is not time to source and list a replacement product before Flixonase Hayfever & Allergy is resupplied. There are other funded products that treat the same condition.

Allergy prophylactics listed in the Schedule(external link) 

Unfortunately, people will need a new prescription for the alternative product. We apologise for the inconvenience that the supply issue causes.

Who to contact

If you have questions about this issue, email enquiry@pharmac.govt.nz

Please include as much information as you can about the product (presentation, brand, pharmacode) and who your wholesaler is.  

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