Cyclopentolate hydrochloride (Cyclogyl) eye drops 1%: Supply issue

Supply issue Active

There is a supply issue affecting Cyclogyl eye drops (pharmacode 203351).

18 July 2024 Update

Resupply date has been moved out to mid-September 2024, pending Medsafe assessment.

Affected product

There is a long-term supply issue affecting:

  • Chemical: Cyclopentolate hydrochloride
  • Brand: Cyclogyl
  • Presentation: Eye drops 1%
  • Pharmacode: 203351

Alternative product

We listed an alternate brand, Minims Cyclopentolate, pharmacode 2603160.

Schedule listing for cyclopentolate(external link) 

Expected resupply

The Cyclogol brand cyclopentolate eye drops are expected to be out of stock until mid-September 2024. The Minims brand will be supplied throughout this supply issue.

Who to contact

If you have questions about this issue, email

Please include as much information as you can about the product (presentation, brand, pharmacode) and who your wholesaler is.  

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