Bonjela (Choline salicylate with cetalkonium chloride): Discontinuation

Discontinuation Active

Bonjela stopped being funded by Pharmac from 1 June 2024.

14 June 2024 Update

This page originally said the delisting date would be 1 July 2024. The delisting date was 1 June 2024. We apologise if this mistake caused any inconvenience.

Affected product

Pharmac has decided to stop the partial funding of this product, this decision was prompted by regulatory changes. We note that funded Bonjela has not been available since mid-2023. We have received clinical advice that supports this decision.

  • Brand: Bonjela
  • Chemical: Choline salicylate with cetalkonium chloride
  • Pharmacode: 771473
  • Subsidy: $2.06 ($6.00)
  • Measure / Qty: per 15 g OP

People can still buy Bonjela from pharmacies, talk to your pharmacist about whether it is right for you or your whānau.  

Alternative products

A number of other funded alternatives remain listed in the Schedule to treat mouth ulcers. 

Schedule listings for agents used in mouth ulceration(external link)

HML Online listings for agents used in mouth ulceration(external link)

More information about funded and unfunded alternatives is available in the NZ Formulary.

Drugs for oral ulceration and inflammation - NZ Formulary(external link)

Delisting date 1 June 2024

Bonjela was removed from both the Community Schedule and the Hospital Medicines List on 1 June 2024.

Who to contact

If you have questions about this issue, email

Please include as much information as you can about the product (presentation, brand, pharmacode) and who your wholesaler is.

Sign up to our email list for regular emails about supply issues and more(external link)