Asthma inhalers data

OIA response

Response to a request for information on asthma inhalers data.

27 November 2019

[name and contact details redacted]

Dear [name redacted]


Thank you for your request dated 2 November 2019 under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) for information about asthma inhalers. You asked for

  • The total number of inhaler MDI/DPI/SMI units dispensed in New Zealand for each of the calendar years 2014-2018 inclusive and
  • The total number of inhaler units dispensed for each of the listed pharmaceutical products in New Zealand in the attached word document for the calendar years 2014-2018 inclusive, which includes 20 pMDIs, 21 DPIs and 2 SMIs as the currently funded PHARMAC inhaler devices (I appreciate that not all of these products were available in all of these years)

The requested data is in the attached spreadsheet [XLSX, 18 KB].

We trust that this information answers your queries.  We are making our information more freely available, so we will now publish selected OIA responses (excluding personal details) on our website.  Please get in touch with us if you have any questions about this.

Yours sincerely

Alison Hill
Director, Engagement and Implementation