Enhancing our assessments and decision making
This year, Pharmac has made significant headway in our work to enhance our assessment and decision-making processes.

These processes are at the core of what Pharmac does – using expert advice, consumer input, and evidence to consider funding applications for the benefit of New Zealanders.
“Improving Pharmac’s assessments and decision-making work is a complex, many-layered exercise – and one that is vitally important,” says Dr David Hughes, Director Advice and Assessment/Chief Medical Officer.
“Perhaps most important in this work is moving to bring in more views and perspectives into these processes. This includes focusing on strengthening our understanding of the needs of consumers, and those with lived experiences in a wide range of health and disability areas.
“There’s also much to be done to increase transparency and make sure our processes are as fast, clear, and simple as possible. We want all New Zealanders to know that their time, input, and perspectives on lived experiences are incredibly valuable to Pharmac, and that we’re honored to be able to hold that space for them within what we do.”
Partnering with all health agencies is an essential foundation of this work to enhance Pharmac’s assessment and decision-making processes.
“A huge part of this work is doing more to hear from, and work with others. We’re doing our part to embody the principles of the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Act, which empowers the health and disability sector to support better health outcomes.
“But what does this look like in practice? Making sure our processes reflect the priorities of the health and disability system, ensuring our information is simple to understand, and making sure stakeholders have confidence that we have genuinely listened to and taken on board their feedback.
“This work will be iterative but we’re confident we’ll see a more equitable approach which will improve the health outcomes of all people. This is the beginning of a big process which will take time, but I’m proud of the work we’ve done already this year to push forward.”
This year we have:
- Appointed new members to Pharmac’s specialist advisory committees so that Pharmac can better understand the perspectives of those using and administering medicines, vaccines, and medical devices.
- Appointed a new Chair and Deputy Chair to the Consumer Advisory Committee to support consumer-led decision making.
- Established a Māori directorate and finalized Te Tiriti policy, which demonstrates our commitment to our Tiriti partnership.
- Developed an engagement strategy to implement meaningful and genuine engagement with consumers, advocates, and the wider health and disability system.
- Joined an international collaboration of health technology assessment agencies so that we can share our knowledge and expertise with our partners in Australia, the UK, and Canada.