Future Procurement Opportunities (FPOs) at Pharmac

Pharmac issues FPOs to indicate our interest in funding certain products or types of products.

We issue FPOs on GETS

Pharmac issues potential Future Procurement Opportunities (FPOs) on the New Zealand Government Electronic Tenders Service (GETS). 

The FPOs issued on GETS are an indication of what we're planning, including the Annual Tender and requests for proposal. They do not contain all Pharmac's possible procurement activities. Some opportunities we issue may not go ahead as planned.

Stay informed

The GETS website provides a complete list under the FPOs section. If an FPO matches your GETS ‘tender subscription preferences’, you will receive a notification in its daily mail run.

Register with GETS and subscribe to the FPOs you're interested in.

You can find Pharmac in the GETS advanced search under "Pharmaceutical Management Agency".

Disclaimer notes

All FPOs are subject to revision or cancellation. The information contained in an FPO is for planning purposes only. It does not represent a pre-solicitation or an invitation for bids. It is not a commitment by Pharmac to contract.