Oxytocin (BNM) 10 iu per mL: Supply issue resolved

Supply issue Active

BNM the supplier of Oxytocin BNM 10 iu per ml has advised it is out of stock of the contracted 5 pack (Pharmacode 2577046).

Affected product

This issue is caused by higher than normal sales. 

  • Chemical: Oxytocin
  • Brand: Oxytocin BNM
  • Presentation: Inj 10 iu per ml, 1 ml ampoule 
  • Pharmacode: 2577046

Alternative product

Oxytocin Panpharma was listed on the Community Schedule on 1 August 2023. Note the alternative product comes in a 10 pack. The Panpharma brand is Medsafe approved. 

  • Chemical: Oxytocin
  • Brand: Oxytocin Phanpharma
  • Presentation: Inj 10 iu per ml, 1 ml ampoule
  • Pack size: 10 Pack
  • Pharmacode: 2658275

Even though it's not listed in the HML, hospitals can order this Medsafe-registered product.


As at April 2024, we have had confirmation that the contracted product is available again.

Who to contact

If you have questions about this supply issue, email enquiry@pharmac.govt.nz

Please include as much information as you can about the product (presentation, brand, pharmacode) and who your wholesaler is.  

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