Independent Review of PHARMAC’s Lamotrigine Sole Supply Decision

Proactive release


The review found that PHARMAC’s process was evidence based, robust, and of a high standard.

We are always looking to improve our work. This review confirms that we need to focus more on consumers. 

We are considering how we can better engage with consumers when planning for and implementing changes in funding arrangements.

Consumer Advisory Committee (CAC)

The review noted that PHARMAC should have involved its Consumer Advisory Committee (CAC) in the decision making and implementation process.

It also noted that it would have been preferable if PHARMAC had sought further input from its Pharmacological and Therapeutics Advisory Committee (PTAC), most likely through PTAC’s Subcommittees, at a time closer to the issuing of the RFP.

The review noted the significant role the media played in reporting on brand changes. PHARMAC is exploring what we can do with the media and on our social media channels to communicate PHARMAC's decision making more clearly.