Who we work with
We work with many different partners and stakeholders to support us to manage medicines, vaccines, medical devices and related products.
We work to ensure effective relationships and partnerships with all health agencies so that we can use their expertise to inform our assessment and decision-making.

We also depend significantly on the work of others across the health and disability system. There are many people and organisations involved in ensuring medicines, vaccines, medical devices, and related products are available and used in New Zealand – and we connect with and get the views of all these groups in the work that we do.
This includes:
- consumer advocacy groups which understand the particular issues and concerns that their members have around access to and use of their medicines, vaccines, medical devices, and related products
- companies which manufacture and supply medicines and medical devices to make sure we have good supply of effective products
- the people who prescribe these products so that they know about the types of funded medicines, vaccines, medical devices, and related products available
- pharmacists who are medicine experts and manage stockholding of medicines, as well as providing advice to people when they are given a medicine
- a range of other health care professionals involved in the administration and use of medicines, vaccines, medical devices, and related products.
We also work closely with other government agencies not in the health and disability system, such as ACC, Te Puni Kokiri, Ministry for Ethnic Communities, Ministry for Pacific Peoples and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.