Specialist advisory committees

Last updated

29 August 2024 | June 2024 Ad Hoc Diabetes Advisory Committee meeting record added.

14 August 2024 | April 2024 Cancer Treatment Advisory Committee meeting record added. 

About specialist advisory committees

Pharmac’s specialist advisory committees provide Pharmac with objective specialist knowledge and expertise within specific clinical areas, such as diabetes, cancer, and mental health. They meet as needed to discuss issues within their clinical areas.

The specialist advisory committees have a different, but complementary, role from PTAC. Their expertise and perspectives can differ from PTAC. 

PTAC and specialist advisory committees may make recommendations to Pharmac that differ from each other when looking at the same evidence. Pharmac considers the recommendations provided by all our clinical advisory committees when assessing applications.

Members of specialist advisory committees are appointed by the Pharmac board. They are not Pharmac employees, but we do pay for their travel and time. 

Note: before November 2021, specialist advisory committees were called Subcommittees.