Use of remdesivir to treat COVID-19 in New Zealand
Thank you for your request dated 28 February 2022 under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) for information relating to remdesivir. You requested:
- How many patients were treated with remdesivir?
- How effective was the treatment?
- How many patients recovered after using remdesivir?
- How many patients died after using remdesivir?
- Why was more not ordered?
- Any other information that you would find useful to the above?
I am pleased to provide the information below in response to your questions.
How many patients were treated with remdesivir?
Between 10 June 2021 and 28 February 2022, Pharmac received 127 remdesivir treatment notifications from DHB hospitals. Each notification was for a unique person however, we are unable to guarantee that each person notified to Pharmac was treated with remdesivir as we do not hold this information.
How effective was the treatment?
We are unable to provide you with specific information about the efficacy of remdesivir for the 127 people notified to Pharmac as we do not hold this information and we do not believe any other agency or department holds this information (section 18(g)(i) of the OIA). However, individual DHB hospitals may be able to provide some information about patients treated.
How many patients recovered after using remdesivir?
We are unable to provide you with this information as we do not hold this information and we do not believe any other agency or department holds this information (section 18(g)(i) of the OIA). However, individual DHB hospitals may be able to provide some information about patients treated.
How many patients died after using remdesivir?
As noted in response to question one, we are unable to guarantee that the 127 people notified to Pharmac were treated with remdesivir.
As of 21 March 2022, we are aware of one person notified to Pharmac for treatment with remdesivir who has passed away. However, we cannot confirm whether this person died due to COVID-19 infection or due to another cause, as we do not hold this information.
Why was more not ordered?
Treatment with remdesivir should not exceed five days. Funded access to remdesivir is currently available for people with mild to moderate COIVD-19 symptoms who meet the remdesivir funding criteria. [Note 6/5/2022: Since this OIA was sent, access has been widened further.]
Pharmac continues to monitor the need for COVID-19 treatments in New Zealand.
In August 2020, we secured an initial supply of remdesivir for the treatment of patients hospitalised with moderate to severe COVID-19. We have secured additional stock on a number of occasions, as required. On 28 February 2022, along with the announcement of our decision to widen access to remdesivir, we advised that we had secured additional stock of remdesivir to support wider use. Remdesivir remains available for the treatment of people with COVID-19 in New Zealand.
Additional information you may find useful
In August 2020 Pharmac entered into an agreement with Gilead Sciences, Australia & New Zealand (Gilead) for the supply of remdesivir for the treatment of patients hospitalised with moderate to severe COVID-19.
On 28 February 2022, we announced the decision to widen access to remdesivir for COVID-19. This decision has temporarily widened the funding criteria for access to remdesivir and removed the requirement for DHB hospitals to send a copy of the completed remdesivir treatment notification form to Pharmac. Prior to 28 February 2022, DHB hospitals were required to send a copy of the completed remdesivir treatment notification form to Pharmac.
You may find other useful information within previous OIA responses(external link) we have published to our website.
I trust that this information answers your queries. Please note, you have the right, by way of complaint under section 28(3) of the OIA to an Ombudsman, to seek an investigation and review of our decision for your requests.
We are making our information more freely available, so we now publish selected OIA responses (excluding personal details) on our website. Please get in touch with us if you have any questions about this.