Taxi Services

OIA response

Thank you for your request dated 15 November 2024 under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) for information relating to taxi services. I will respond to each question individually.

I would like to know what is preferred mode of transport that is offered to the staff like taxi or rideshare?

Pharmac currently uses TaxiCharge, which is a combined taxi service, as our main mode of transport. We are currently trialing Uber Business.

Is there any new directive in this regards?

 Pharmac has not received any recent directives regarding staff transportation.

What was the cost to the organisation for such activities in the last financial year?

In the 2023/24 financial year, Pharmac spent $51,654.32 (inc. GST). This cost includes any fees and staff and committee members reimbursement for using taxi services.