Māori Advisory Committee

OIA response

Thank you for your request dated 13 November 2024 under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) for information relating to Te Rōpū (Māori advisory committee). You requested:

Written formal output from the Māori advisory committee Te Rōpū to Pharmac from the time of establishing Te Rōpū to 30 September 2024. By formal output I mean reports that the advisory committee would have provided rather than just general communication.

On 18 October 2024 the Pharmac Board Chair, Hon Paula Bennett. advised the co-chairs of Te Rōpū that the Board made the decision to disestablish the group in order to put more focus on other partnership arrangements already in place.

Regarding your request for formal reports, Te Rōpū was not instructed to provide this level of detail. As the role Te Rōpū reviewed and provided expert strategic Māori advice. As your request is for formal reports it is refused under section 18(e) of the Act, as the documents alleged to contain the information requested do not exist.

However, I have provided some background information on the role of Te Rōpū and if the information provided in this response prompts any further questions regarding the work of Te Rōpū, please contact our government services team, who will be able to assist.

Background information on Te Rōpū

Te Pātaka Whaioranga – Pharmac Māori Advisory Group, Te Rōpū, was established in September 2021 to provide strategic direction and guidance on a broad range of kaupapa relating to Pharmac’s work. This advisory group aimed to support the Pharmac Board and senior leadership team in fulfilling Pharmac’s commitment to achieving the best health outcomes for Māori. Te Rōpū provided expert strategic Māori advice on the following:

  • Supporting and advocating for kaimahi Māori
  • Reviewing and contributing to strategic documents (Statement of Performance Expectations / Statement of Intent, Te Tiriti and the Equity Policy, People, and Capability strategy)
  • Working on a strategic partnership with the Board
  • Working on Māori equity health outcomes with Health Economists, Therapeutic Group Managers, analysts and medical devices team
  • Building a strategic partnership with the Pharmacology and Therapeutics Advisory Committee
  • Stalwarts for Te Tiriti o Waitangi within the organisation
  • Being Māori health experts and leaders and role models.

Te Rōpū ensured Pharmac’s commitment to upholding Te Tiriti o Waitangi by understanding and supporting whānau Māori to achieve optimal health and wellbeing through access to, and use of, medicines and medical devices. This commitment involved input into key organisational policies, governance of projects, clinical strategies, and overall strategic direction. Additionally, joint decision-making in line with Te Tiriti partnership was agreed upon with Māori for initiatives stated in Te Whaioranga (Māori Responsiveness Strategy). Pharmac also sought operational Māori advice to guide its strategic direction.

Te Rōpū held their inaugural meeting on 30 September 2021, with a term of 18 months.

The Terms of Reference enable the approach, membership, and focus, and how it works both for Pharmac and for Māori to be reviewed before an ongoing mechanism for Māori advice input and partnership is established. This timeframe was to enable the team to make any changes needed, before putting in place a long-term mechanism for Māori engagement and partnership with Pharmac.