Staff working on Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) funding

OIA response

Thank you for your request dated under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) for information relating to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs). You requested:

We T1D’s are aware that you have been working towards funding CGMs and Insulin pumps.  Can you please confirm the project team costs for the past 3 financial years (and the projected spend for 24/25.  I would also appreciate the number of FTE numbers who are currently working on this, and the split between permanent staff and contractors.

Also the actual timeline it’s planning to go to the Pharmac board and implementing date If this makes you respond quickly please treat this as an OIA request Yours very concerned with the continued delay

This funding application is being led by one Therapeutic Group Manager equivalent to 1 FTE who holds the therapeutic portfolio for diabetes.

Throughout the funding process our Therapeutic Group Managers are supported by staff from across Pharmac, such as, legal team, procurement team, health economists, advisory committees, etc.

The costs for these staff members are met from baseline operation funding. Pharmac does not record how much time has been spent by these staff members specifically on the funding application for CGMs, and we are unable to provide a breakdown of cost for this particular transaction. Therefore, your request is refused under section 18(g)(i) of the Act, as the information requested is not held. I can however advise that the salary range for the above Therapeutic Group Manager role is $108,170 - $146,348.

You can find more information about the CGMs funding application including an approximate timeline for a funding decision on Pharmac's website.