Board member expenses

OIA response

Thank you for your request dated 5 September 2023 under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) for information relating to board members. You requested:

Could pharmac please release all payments made to all board members, chief executives etc over the last 3 years.

Please include all bonus payments plus "gifts" or trips etc.

Please release all spending by Steve maharey

Please release details of all travel claimed by Steve maharey

The following information is publicly available:

We are pleased to provide you with the remaining information you requested at the end of this letter.

Please note that the Board Chair, Hon Steve Maharey, does not incur expenditure for Pharmac. Any expenditure for Pharmac is approved by the Chief Executive. In addition to the travel expenses detailed on the following page, an expense of $229.48 (excluding GST) was reimbursed to Hon Steve Maharey for a board dinner in May 2022.

We trust that this information answers your queries. Please note, you have the right to make a complaint to the Ombudsman about our response to your OIA, under section 28(3) of the OIA. Details of how to make a complaint are on the Ombudsman’s website.

To make information more freely available, we publish selected OIA responses (excluding personal details) on our website. Please get in touch with us if you have any questions about this.

Travel to/from Board Meetings ($ GST exclusive)

Board Member 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
Hon Steve Maharey (Chair) 746.98 1,059.25 2,094.12
Dr Peter Bramley (Deputy Chair)       -          -   4,314.36
Talia Anderson-Town       -   415.64 4,412.00
Dr Anthony Jordan       -   258.07 3,972.16
Dr Diana Siew       -           -   3,722.56
Claudia Wyss 4,674.98 421.33 3,826.03
Elizabeth Zhu 3,912.27 884.81 2,015.80
Dr Jan White         -   522.79       -  
Nicole Anderson 7,129.28 864.35       -  
Prof Ross Lawrenson 4,709.64 1,055.58       -  
Total 21,173.15 5,481.82 24,357.03

Note: the figures provided here relate to full travel expenses attributed to each Board member, including both travel paid directly by Pharmac and travel paid by the Board member and then reimbursed by Pharmac.

Travel to/from Board Meetings reimbursed to Hon Steve Maharey ($ GST exclusive)

 - Sept 2020 Mileage/Travel 232.26
 - Jan 2021 Mileage/Travel 165.40
 - Feb 2021 Mileage/Travel 324.44
 - July 2021 Mileage/Travel 307.08
 - Aug 2021 Mileage/Travel 161.16
 - Oct 2021 Mileage/Travel 72.96
 - Nov 2021 Mileage/Travel 72.96
 - April 2022 Mileage/Travel 234.12
 - May 2022 Mileage/Travel 161.16
 - July 2022 Mileage/Travel 205.75
 - Sept 2022 Mileage/Travel 205.75
 - Oct/Nov 2022 Mileage/Travel 375.07
 - Feb 2023 Mileage/Travel 169.32
 - March/April 2023 Mileage/Travel 338.64
 - May/June 2023 Mileage/Travel 387.60

Note: these figures represent travel costs reimbursed to Hon Steve Maharey.  As noted above, further travel was paid for directly by Pharmac