Making a Privacy Act request

You can ask to see any personal information we hold about you. 

On this page

Making a request

You can ask us:

  • for a copy of your personal information
  • to correct information if it is wrong
  • to review any concerns you have about how we manage your personal information. 

Make sure to include:

To make a request, email: 

How Pharmac responds to a Privacy Act request 

Who can make a Privacy Act request?

Anyone can make Privacy Act requests. The Privacy Act says “natural persons” to make it clear that no company or organisation can make a request.   

You don’t have to be in New Zealand. Everyone has the same privacy rights as New Zealanders when it comes to information Pharmac holds about them. 

Proof of identity

We must make sure we only give personal information to the right person. This is part of how we keep your personal information safe and is required by the Privacy Act 2020. 

You must provide two forms of identity document (ID) (at least one must be photographic).   

Accepted forms of photographic ID include:

  • a passport
  • drivers licence
  • student identification
  • KiwiAccess (18+) card
  • firearms licence. 

Your second form of ID must include your name, such as:

  • a birth certificate
  • Community Services Card
  • SuperGold card
  • a bank/credit card statement
  • a bill (like a power or rates bill)
  • a second form of accepted photographic ID. 

We will accept photocopies, scans, or photographs of your ID. 

You must include a clear photograph of you holding your photographic ID.

In-person request

If you prefer, you can have a Pharmac staff member check your ID in person. To make an appointment, you can either:

What Pharmac keeps and how long for

If you send us copies of your ID, we will keep them only long enough to confirm your identity. While we hold your identity information, it is stored securely. 

Requesting information about somebody else

Under the Act, you are only entitled to request information about yourself. However, there are a few exceptions.

People who have died

If you ask for the personal information of someone who has died, we will need evidence that you are the executor or administrator of their estate. There may be some limits on what we can share with you.

Permission to act on someone else’s behalf

If you have permission to act on someone else’s behalf, you may be able to make a Privacy Act request for their information. 

In addition to the steps to make a Privacy Act request, your letter or email must:

  • include your actual signature
  • be dated
  • clearly authorise you to act on behalf of the writer for a Privacy Act request to Pharmac. 

Parents of children under 16 years

The Privacy Act 2020 does not give parents or guardians a general right to request their child's personal information. However, if your child is under 16 and you are requesting their health information, you have the right to request this information. This right is set out in the Health Information Privacy Code.(external link)

Pharmac may withhold your child's health information if:

  • we have reasonable grounds to believe your child does not want their information to be given to you
  • we believe it would be contrary to your child's best interests for you to have the information, or
  • any of the other refusal grounds in the Privacy Act.

Official Information Act

If you are seeking information about someone else, and you do not have authority to act on their behalf, you will need to make an Official Information Act request.

Who to contact 

If you have any concerns about the information you have been asked to provide to prove your identity, contact