Visiting future Māori Pharmacists

Update Kauneke Update

This year, Pharmac Te Pātaka Whaioranga staff continued our outreach at the University of Otago: School of Pharmacy He Rau Kawakawa.


This included attending the Annual Research Symposium, the Annual Hui of Māori Pharmacy Students (which includes students from the University of Auckland) and liaison with students and academic staff.

Pharmac’s Director of Equity and Engagement, Dr Nicola Ngawati says these events are important for Māori pharmacy students to meet, learn, and explore career options in pharmacy.

“Māori pharmacists, with their knowledge of Māori culture, health needs, and practices, are key advocates to promote better health outcomes,” says Ngawati. “We highlighted how Pharmac plays an important role in the health system, the range of careers available with a Pharmacy qualification in Pharmac together with profile our participation in the Tupu Toa intern programme.”

Pharmac staff also met with leaders in the pharmacy sector, including Michael Pead, CEO of the Pharmacy Council of New Zealand, and Mariana Hudson, CEO of Ngā Kaitiaki o Te Puna Rongoā o Aotearoa. They discussed how to increase Māori representation in the profession and work together for a more equitable health care system.

“As we look to the future, it’s vital to support Māori students in the pharmacy sector,” says Ngawati.

“These events assist us in building networks, encouraging collaboration among the next generation of Māori pharmacists and hearing from academic staff about their research developments.”

This story is part of our Kauneke Update 

The Kauneke Update will keep you informed on important news and progress towards Pharmac's strategic goals. In te reo Māori, kauneke means to develop and move forward.