Pharmac finalises Equity Policy

Update Kauneke Update Rērere Kōrero

Pharmac has finalised its first Equity Policy which outlines the mahi Pharmac does, can do, or needs to do, to achieve equity in health outcomes.

Nicola looks at the camera and smiles. She is wearing stylish tortoiseshell pattern rimmed glasses and has her curly brown hair swept back in a ponytail..

“Under the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Act 2022, the health and disability system should be equitable," says Pharmac’s Director of Equity and Engagement, Dr Nicola Ngawati. “But we know that many people are still missing out on the potential benefits, and some people are missing out more than others.”

Pharmac’s new Equity Policy outlines a series of commitments it will make to address the inequitable access to pharmaceuticals.

“To support better health outcomes for people with higher needs, we need to make some changes to how we do things. We need to consider how we use data, build internal capability, invest in health interventions, and update our processes and decision-making,” says Dr Ngawati.

“We also need to work closely with the rest of the health and disability system, as the inequitable access to pharmaceuticals extends further than just Pharmac.”

With the policy approved, work is underway on its implementation across our directorates.

“It’s going to take time, and hard work, but I’m proud of the commitment Pharmac is making to meaningful and authentic change. 

“I would like to thank all the internal teams and external agencies who reviewed and provided feedback on the draft policy. We particularly welcomed input from the Consumer Advisory Committee and Te Rōpū,” says Dr Ngawati.

This story is part of our Kauneke Update 

The Kauneke Update will keep you informed on important news and progress towards Pharmac's strategic goals. In te reo Māori, kauneke means to develop and move forward.