Ngā kaimahi Māori: Whāia te mātauranga, whāia te tiketike

Update Rērere Kōrero

Kaimahi Māori across the organisation are taking bold steps to advance their education and expertise while continuing to integrate Māori values and perspectives into their work.

Two photos combined. Patsy takes a selfie at a river's edge, her children are behind her inspecting rocks. Leanne also has water behind her .

Principal Advisor Te Whaioranga, Leanne Manson (Ngāti Tama ki te Tauihu, Te Ātiawa) (pictured right), recently completed her postgraduate certificate in Māori and Indigenous Leadership through the University of Canterbury.

The course combined two papers and consisted of six wānanga held across different marae in Wellington, with around 30 – 40 people taking part. Part of the course included a Māori community project that was based on advancing Māori aspirations and leadership attributes to effectively lead transformation initiatives.

“The best part of the course was meeting a fantastic cohort of Māori and Pacific leaders who are all advancing their own whānau aspirations, that I wouldn’t usually have the opportunity to meet in my mahi” says Leanne. “There were people from all across the motu, working in completely different areas.”

Leanne’s study was part sponsored by Te Pātaka Whaioranga as part of her professional development. 

“I really appreciated that Te Pātaka Whaioranga was able to support me in my professional development and in exploring Māori leadership opportunities” says Leanne.

Pou Tohu Mātāmua Māori Crown Partnerships, Patsy Kainuku (Tuhoe) (pictured left), is currently studying towards her Masters in Health Science and Māori Health, through Massey University.

Patsy is looking at ways to support Māori who chose to be public servants, with a focus on Māori leadership and advice within the Crown entity space. 

“I’m aiming to develop a leadership framework for wāhine Māori through the exploration of mareikura,” says Patsy.

“I’m hoping that through this exploration it will provide an opportunity to benefit decision-making at Te Pātaka Whaioranga and support the organisation to deliver its outcomes for Hauora Māori.” 

Patsy is aiming to complete her Masters in 2025.

Patsy is completing her Masters through a fellowship with Te Pātaka Whaioranga. Our fellowship program has seen many of our kaimahi supported to complete a range of tertiary qualifications. 

This story is part of the Rērere Kōrero 

The Rērere Kōrero will keep you informed on how Te Pātaka Whaioranga – Pharmac is supporting whānau Māori to achieve their best health and wellbeing through access to medicines and medical devices.