Hospital medical devices: building a well-managed system for the long term

Update Hospital devices Kauneke Update

This year, Pharmac set up a new Medical Devices directorate to lead the work on the management of hospital medical devices in Health New Zealand hospitals.

Catherine Epps.

“Pharmac’s work in the hospital medical devices space is a great example of the new approach to funding healthcare in New Zealand as part of the health reforms,” says Catherine Epps, Pharmac’s Director, Medical Devices.

“Moving to a new way of managing hospital medical devices is a significant change for Pharmac, as well as the rest of the health and disability system. We are working with Health New Zealand to develop effective, efficient, and sustainable systems and processes for hospital medical device management.”

“Right now, Pharmac’s national contracts cover close to $550 million of Health New Zealand spending each year out of an estimated $840 million on hospital medical devices. As we continue to establish national contracts with suppliers and build the list, we’ll see this figure increase.

“This work means that Health New Zealand hospitals in Auckland and in Christchurch can – and will be able to – buy the same hospital medical device from the list, at the same price, and with the same terms and conditions. This supports a more consistent and equitable experience of our health system.”

“The hospital medical devices programme is closely aligned with Pharmac’s purpose – to support a healthcare system that is equitable and meets the needs of those who currently face barriers to accessing or using hospital medical devices.”

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