Agenda for August 2024 Pharmacology and Therapeutics Advisory Committee (PTAC) meeting
Information on what the Pharmacology and Therapeutics Advisory Committee (PTAC) will be considering at its upcoming meeting in August 2024.
Matters arising and correspondence
Voretigene neparvovec (branded as Luxturna) for a rare eye disease
The Committee will discuss feedback we received on the use of voretigene neparvovec for inherited retinal dystrophy, caused by biallelic RPE65 mutations.
This rare genetic eye disease causes vision impairment and blindness. Voretigene neparvovec delivers copies of the RPE65 gene into the cells of the retina to help treat the disease.
The Committee first considered the application in 2023 and wanted more information before making a funding recommendation.
Record of PTAC meeting February 2023 [PDF, 637 KB]
Application for vortigene neparvovec | Application Tracker(external link)
Multivitamins for bariatric surgery
The Committee will review how Pharmac assessed the application of multivitamins with trace elements for bariatric surgery.
The Gastrointestinal Subcommittee (now Advisory Committee) considered the application in 2018. In 2019, PTAC noted and accepted the Subcommittee’s recommendation to fund this with a high priority. We also sought more information from dietitian specialists.
The Committee will consider this advice and how it applies to current multivitamin options.
Record of Gastrointestinal Subcommittee meeting October 2018 [PDF, 113 KB]
Teriparatide for the bone disease, osteoporosis
The Committee will advise Pharmac on widening access to teriparatide for people with fractures from osteoporosis. It will consider its use as a first-line treatment (the first treatment someone receives when they’re diagnosed).
Teriparatide is currently funded for severe osteoporosis as a later-line treatment (after people have tried other medicines).
The Committee will consider advice received from the Endocrinology Advisory Committee in 2021 and from osteoporosis specialists.
Record of Endocrinology Advisory Committee meeting March 2021 [PDF, 508 KB]
Record of PTAC meeting August 2021 [PDF, 649 KB]
Application for teriparatide for osteoporosis | Application Tracker(external link)
Ferric carboxymaltose (branded as Ferinject), an iron infusion, for an inherited blood vessel disorder
The Committee will advise on widening access to ferric carboxymaltose for people with hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT).
This disease causes ongoing bleeding which leads to iron deficiency and anaemia (low haemoglobin).
The applications propose treatment for people with HHT who are iron deficient (where serum ferritin is ≤50 mcg/L or transferrin saturation is ≤20%) but have not yet become anaemic.
Applications for ferric carboxymaltose | Application Tracker(external link)