Update on proposal to delist baclofen oral liquid 1 mg per ml from Section H
PHARMAC would like to thank everyone who provided feedback on a proposal to delist baclofen oral liquid 1 mg per ml from Section H of the Pharmaceutical Schedule from 1 February 2021.
This proposal was the subject of a consultation letter dated 21 July 2020, with a closing date for feedback of 11 August 2020.
Consultation is a very important step in our process. It’s how we check that what we are proposing can be implemented by the healthcare sector and supports the best health outcomes for New Zealanders.
After reviewing the consultation feedback, we have decided not to delist baclofen oral liquid 1 mg per ml from Section H from 1 February 2021 as proposed.
We are working with advisors across the sector to develop a proposal that would ensure consistency of baclofen oral liquid strengths across Section B and Section H of the Pharmaceutical Schedule. We are using the feedback received in response to the July 2020 consultation to guide our work. At this stage, we do not have a firm timeframe for when a decision regarding the baclofen oral liquid listings will be made.
If you have any questions about this update, please contact us by email at enquiry@pharmac.govt.nz.