Amendment to anticipated timetable: Request for proposals - Radiological contrast media
On the 2 October 2013, PHARMAC released an RFP for the supply of Radiological Contrast Media in New Zealand (“RCM RFP”).
In response to the RCM RFP, PHARMAC received a large number of proposals for various radiological contrast media that are not currently listed in Part II of Section H of the Pharmaceutical Schedule or proposals for products where PHARMAC do not have sufficient clinical advice.
Due to the large number of products included in the proposals, PHARMAC will be seeking additional clinical advice before progressing any further. This means that the anticipated timeline as stated in Schedule 2, Clause 6 of the RCM RFP is amended as follows (changes in bold and strikethrough):
1. Anticipated timetable
(a) Following receipt of proposals, PHARMAC anticipates:
(i) the Evaluation Committee evaluating proposals in November 2013/December 2013February 2014;
(ii) negotiating with submitter(s) of one or more preferred proposals in December 2013/January February/March 2014;
(iii) consulting on one or more provisional agreement(s) in January/February March/April 2014;
(iv) PHARMAC’s Board, or the Board’s delegate, considering this provisional agreement in or after February/MarchApril/May 2014;
provided that the above time frames are only approximate and may be extended, without notice being required from PHARMAC, if any stages of the RFP process take longer than anticipated.
(b) Under this indicative timetable, the earliest that changes to the Pharmaceutical Schedule could be implemented is March/April May/June 2014.
If you have any questions about this RFP, please contact Marcus Kim at PHARMAC on (04) 901 3207 or email