Addition of Coloplast range of wound care products to Universal Specialities Limited trading as USL Medical (USL) listing agreement
PHARMAC advises that as of 1 October 2014, a range of Coloplast wound care products already in use in the DHBs, will be added to the USL Listing Agreement and listed in Section H, Part III, (‘Optional Pharmaceuticals’) of the Pharmaceutical Schedule.
DHB hospitals can purchase these items either directly from USL or through a designated third party logistics provider under the USL Listing Agreement.
Details of the decision
The Coloplast range of wound care products are:
- Comfeel Plus Ulcer Dressings;
- Comfeel Plus Transparent Dressings;
- Comfeel Plus Contour Dressings;
- Comfeel Ulcer;
- Comfeel Plus Pressure Relieving Dressings;
- Biatain Alginate (Seasorb) Dressings; and
- Purilon Hydrogel.
The list of wound care products is available on PHARMAC’s website in both a PDF document and a series of Excel spreadsheets.
The proposal is cost neutral to the pricing negotiated by Health Alliance on behalf of the DHBs in 2013.
DHBs can continue to purchase other brands of wound care products at their discretion.
Educational services will be provided by USL to DHB personnel on appropriate use of these wound care products and will be arranged in a format and times as agreed with individual DHBs.
More information
If you have any questions about this decision you can email PHARMAC at or call our toll free number (9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday) on 0800 66 00 50.