2013/14 invitation to tender (suppliers)
PHARMAC is seeking feedback from pharmaceutical suppliers and interested parties on:
- A proposal to tender certain pharmaceuticals for sole supply;
- The draft process and terms and conditions for the 2013/14 Invitation to Tender (2013/14 Tender); and
- Commercial proposals as an alternative to tendering.
PHARMAC welcomes all feedback on the draft 2013/14 Tender. Feedback received by the deadline may be considered by the Tender Medical Evaluation Subcommittee of PTAC and would be considered by the PHARMAC Board (or its Delegate, where applicable) prior to making a decision on this proposal.
Feedback should be submitted by the following dates; late feedback may not be considered:
Alternative commercial proposal responses due by
5 pm, Thursday, 22 August 2013
All other consultation responses due by
5 pm, Thursday, 5 September 2013
Feedback should be provided by submitting an email, fax or letter to:
Chloe Dimock
Tender Analyst
PO Box 10-254
Wellington 6143
Email: chloe.dimock@pharmac.govt.nz
Fax: (04) 460 4995
DDI: (04) 916 7263