Omeprazole: New look, same medicine

New look Active

The capsule colour, brand name, and packaging for omeprazole capsules are changing. They are still made by the same company.

What's happening?

Teva, the supplier, has changed the brand name, packaging, and size and colour of the capsules for omeprazole capsules. The new 20 mg and 40 mg capsule are now being supplied. The 10 mg will be supplied from March 2025. 

Detail 10 mg 20 mg 40 mg
Current Pharmacode 2604930 2604949 2604957
New Pharmacode 2692155 2692163 2692171
Date of supply March 2025 October 2024 October 2024

New look, same medicine 

The new capsules are from the same supplier as the current ones. The new capsules are Medsafe-registered. This means Medsafe has reviewed them and decided that they meet New Zealand standards of safety, quality, and effectiveness. 

While the capsules may be a different size, they contain the same amount of the active ingredient and will work in your body the same way. 

We have prepared a flier for pharmacists [PDF, 277 KB] to support conversations with people who take omeprazole.

40 mg capsules

Current 40 mg capsule is two shades of grey, the new one is royal blue and white. The label has "40 mg" in a prominent blue lozenge. .
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20 mg capsules

Current 20 mg capsule is while, the new one is blue and white. The label has "20 mg" in a prominent green lozenge. .
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two squat white plastic pill bottles that look the same. Key difference is the labels indicating the strength..
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10 mg capsules

Current 10 mg capsule is yellow, the new one is green and white. The label has "10 mg" in a prominent grey lozenge. .
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Key dates

1 October 2024 | New capsules and Pharmacodes listed on the Schedule.

October 2024 | The new look 40 mg and 20 mg capsules replaced current capsules.

March 2025 | The new look 10 mg capsules will replace current capsules.

Who to contact

If you have any feedback about this change, we suggest you talk to Teva first:

If Teva cannot resolve your question, email