Nutricia: supply issue – multiple products

Supply issue Active

There is a supply issue affecting a number of Nutricia food products.

3 May2024

The stock situation describes supplies of the Nutricia products and the metabolic products as at 24 April 2024.

If a Nutricia product is not listed here, we are not aware of a supply issue.

If you have any specific issues, let us know

Resupply update 

Due to events in the Red Sea, Nutricia, like other companies, has rerouted ships to avoid travelling through the Suez Canal, resulting in delays on shipments travelling from Europe to New Zealand.

The change in shipping route by global manufacturers is also causing congestion and delays at the Singapore port.

Nutricia is closely monitoring the situation and making decisions where necessary to reduce the impact on local supply. 

Information for prescribers

Please do not make prescriptions brand and/or flavour specific. This will allow flexibility for pharmacists when dispensing.

If you need advice about alternative products available from Nutricia, please contact your Nutricia Representative.

Products with supply issues

Click or tap the title to see information about the alternative for the affected product.

Thank you

We acknowledge the impact this disruption has on people. Thanks to all those across the healthcare sector who are supporting this work. We appreciate the work everyone is doing to minimise the impact of this disruption. 

We will continue to update people as the situation evolves.

Who to contact

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this supply issue, contact the Nutricia Careline team:

If you have questions about the Nestlé product, email

If you have questions about Abbott products, Abbott Customer Service on 0800 737 115

If you have any funding questions about these products, email