Mesalazine 800 mg tablets (Asacol): Supply issue

Supply issue Active

Chiesi, the supplier, has reported a supply constraint of 800 mg Asacol tabs from late February until July 2024.

7 June 2024 update

Stock of the s29 800 mg alternative has run out at the supplier level. A delivery of the registered 800 mg Asacol brand tablets is planned in August 2024. There is enough stock of the 400 mg tablets to cover until the 800 mg is resupplied. We have received clinical advice that people can take two 400 mg tablets of mesalazine. 

Affected product

Chiesi, the supplier, has reported a supply constraint of 800 mg Asacol tabs from late February until July 2024.

  • Chemical: Mesalazine
  • Brand: Asacol
  • Pharmacode: 2470616 and 2536552
  • Subsidy: $85.50
  • Measure / Qty: per 90

Schedule listing for mesalazine(external link)

This supply constraint primarily affects the 800 mg tablet of mesalazine. Other presentations remain available.

Alternative products

We have received clinical advice that people can take two 400 mg tablets of mesalazine. 

Supplier now out of stock of section 29 alternative 

To ensure a product remains available, Chiesi brought in Australian-branded Asacol. While the packaging is similar, it will still need to be prescribed and supplied as an unapproved medicine.

Chiesi letter to prescribers about the alternative product [PDF, 106 KB]

It was listed from 1 April 2024.

Who to contact

If you have questions about this issue, email

Please include as much information as you can about the product (presentation, brand, pharmacode) and who your wholesaler is.  

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