Itraconazole oral liquid: Brand change

Brand change Active

The funded brand of itraconazole oral liquid (Sporanox) 10mg per ml is being discontinued.

What is changing?

The funded brand of itraconazole oral liquid (Sporanox) 10mg per ml is being discontinued.

On 1 November 2024, Pharmac listed a section 29 product to cover the discontinuation of Sporanox. It contains the same active ingredient, in the same quantities as Sporanox. It will work in the body the same way.

Affected product

  • Chemical: Itraconazole
  • Presentation: Oral liq 10 mg per ml
  • Brand: Sporanox
  • Pharmacode: 485411
  • Subsidy: $141.80
  • Measure / Qty: per 150 ml OP

Schedule listing for itraconazole oral liquid(external link)

Alternative product

  • Chemical: Itraconazole
  • Presentation: Oral liq 10 mg per ml
  • Brand: Kent 
  • Pharmacode: 2693364
  • Subsidy: $141.80
  • Measure / Qty: per 150 ml OP

This product is not Medsafe registered and will need to be prescribed and dispensed in line with section 29 of the Medicines Act.

Patient flier

We have prepared a flier to support conversations with patients.

Prescribing and supplying an unapproved medicine

Section 29 of the Medicines Act 1981 allows for medicines that are not Medsafe approved to be prescribed and supplied to people. The medicine must be prescribed by someone registered with the Medical Council of New Zealand – such as, a doctor. 

We know supplying a medicine under section 29 is not ideal. In this case, however, this will allow people to access an appropriate treatment. 

We apologise for any inconvenience this causes. 

Advice for prescribing under section 29 – BPAC website(external link)

Prescriber and pharmacist requirements for section 29 medicines – Medsafe website(external link)

Medsafe’s section 29 Declaration / Notification Form [DOC](external link)

What patients need to know about unapproved medicines – Healthify website(external link)

When the new brand will be available

  • 1 November 2024 the Kent brand of itraconazole oral liquid will be fully funded and available.
  • 1 February 2025 the remaining stock of the Sporanox brand of itraconazole oral liquid will expire.
  • Venlafaxine (Enlafax XR) all strengths:(external link)Sporanox will be delisted from the Schedule

Who to contact

If you have questions about this issue, email

Please include as much information as you can about the product (presentation, brand, pharmacode) and who your wholesaler is.

Sign up to our email list for regular emails about supply issues and more(external link)