Famotidine (20 mg tablets): Supply issue resolved

The supplier, Link, was out of stock of famotidine 20 mg tablets (Pharmacode: 2581752).

21 August 2024 Update

Link, the supplier, is resupplied and has released stock to wholesalers. It may take another week or two for the stock to flow through the supply chain to pharmacies around the country. 

Affected product


  • Presentation: Tab 20 mg
  • Brand: Famotidine Hovid
  • Unapproved medicine supplied under Section 29.
  • Pharmacode: 2581752
  • Subsidy: $4.91
  • Measure / Qty: per 100

The 40 mg tablet and injection (10 mg per ml, 4 ml) remain available.

Alternative treatment

Following an urgent shipment of famotidine, we do not expect patients to be affected. However, if your pharmacist does not have any famotidine in stock, talk to them about your best options. 


The supplier has received a shipment and has resupplied the wholesalers. It can take 1 to 2 weeks between stock becoming available at the supplier before it reaches pharmacies.

  • Pharmacies should talk to their wholesalers for more accurate timings.
  • People wanting to fill their prescription should keep in touch with their local pharmacies about when stock might be available.

Who to contact

If you have questions about this issue, email enquiry@pharmac.govt.nz

Please include as much information as you can about the product (presentation, brand, pharmacode) and who your wholesaler is.

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