Brevinor 1/28 (Ethinyloestradiol with norethisterone): Supply issue

Supply issue Active

There is a supply issue affecting Brevinor 1/28 oral contraceptive (Pharmacode 303542)

23 August 2024 Update

The website was in error about dispensing, we have clarified that Brevinor 1/28 should be dispensed in three-monthly lots. We can advise that Pharmac and Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora are working on a brand switch fee to support this supply issue.

Affected product

Due to an unexpected delay in sourcing the active ingredient, norethisterone, there is a supply issue affecting Brevinor 1/28 Day oral contraceptive.

  • Chemical: Ethinyloestradiol with norethisterone
  • Presentation: Tab 35 mcg with norethisterone 1 mg 
  • Brand: Brevinor 1/28
  • Pharmacode: 303542
  • Subsidy: $12.25
  • Measure / Qty: per 84

Schedule listing for Brevinor 1/28(external link)

Three-month dispensing

All-at-once (stat) dispensing does not currently apply to this product. People can only collect three-months' supply at a time. We will reconsider all-at-once dispensing once the stock situation is resolved.

Alternative product

Alyacen 1/35 (pharmacode 2688441) will be funded from 1 October 2024. It is not Medsafe-approved, so will need to be prescribed and dispensed in line with section 29 of the Medicines Act. CDC is the supplier.

It contains the same active ingredients in the same quantities. However, it uses the American name for norethisterone, which is norethindrone. This page will be updated with more details on the alternative when they are available. 

Pharmac and Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora are working on a brand switch fee to support this change.

Box and blister pack for Alyacen

A5 flier about the temporary brand change

Expected resolution

The supplier, Pfizer, expects supply to return to normal by the end of December 2024.

Who to contact

If you have questions about this issue, email

Please include as much information as you can about the product (presentation, brand, pharmacode) and who your wholesaler is.

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