Bee venom (Venox): Packaging change

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The supplier has changed the way bee venom allergy treatment initiation packs are packaged, so it now requires reconstitution.

What's changing?

The Initiation Kit for bee venom allergy treatment (pharmacode 2596822) is changing. Currently it comes with five vials, each vial containing the active ingredient with the diluent. The new package has six vials, one vial with the active ingredient, one vial with solvent, and instructions on how to dilute it into the subsequent vials. 

When will this happen

The new kit will be listed from 1 February 2025 (Pharmacode: 2698773). The five-vial kit will be delisted from 1 May 2025. It is short-dated.  

Reconstitution process

Follow the guidelines on how to reconstitute and administer Venox. Venox must be administered by trained health care professionals in places that are ready to manage any anaphylactic shock. 

The manufacturer letter has instructions for making up the right doses of bee venom.

5 vials with arrows and instructions showing how to dilute the active ingredient to get different doses. (included more because it's a cool picture and the page looks boring).

Who to contact

If you have questions about this issue, email

Please include as much information as you can about the product (presentation, brand, pharmacode) and who your wholesaler is.

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