Atorvastatin (Lorstat) 10, 20, 40, and 80 mg tabs: Supply issue

Access change Supply issue Active

Atorvastatin 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg, and 80 mg tablets are experiencing a supply issue.

21 February 2025 Update

Viatris has responded to questions about the shelf life of the 30-pack Australian product.

Lorstat brand 20 mg tablets are available from the supplier. It may take another 1 to 2 weeks to reach pharmacies around the motu. 

From 1 March 2025, we have also listed an alternative 20 mg atorvastatin, Lipitor (Pharmacode 2699621). 

Monthly dispensing from 1 January 2025

Pharmac removed "all-at-once" (stat) dispensing from atorvastatin (Lorstat) 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg, and 80 mg tablets. We will return to all-at-once dispensing once the supplier can confirm uninterrupted supply.

Affected product

Supply status of atorvastatin

Strength Pharmacode Status Expected resupply Alternative
10 mg 2493586 Available n/a A 30-pack product (Pharmacode: 2697580) has been listed to support the 20 mg out of stock.
20 mg

2493594 (Lorstat)

2699621 (Lipitor)

Available n/a n/a
40 mg 2493608 Available n/a n/a
80 mg 2493616 Not available end of March A 30-pack product (Pharmacode 2697599). It is listed and Medsafe registered.

Schedule listing for atorvastatin(external link)

For pharmacists

Storage condition packaging differences

Viatris advises that although the Australian product is packed in a blister pack, the tablets are otherwise identical to the New Zealand product and it is also registered for use in New Zealand.

The labelling for the Australian packaging was recently registered with Medsafe; however, the Australian carton included a storage condition to discard 30 days after the first tablet is taken. There is no requirement stated in the New Zealand registration (or requested by Medsafe) to discard the pack 30 days after the first tablet is taken.

Viatris advises that the product is shelf stable within the blister packaging for the duration of the registered shelf-life.  

17 February 2025 | Viatris letter about packaging differences [PDF, 98 KB]

Lorstat Medsafe datasheet (see the bottom of page 18) [PDF](external link)

Communication with people who take Lorstat

We have developed a generic A5 flier for supply issues. We hope it will support conversations with people affected by supply issues. 

Who to contact

If you have questions about this product or the listed alternative, email

Or, you can email Pharmac at:

Please include as much information as you can about the product (presentation, brand, Pharmacode) and who your wholesaler is.

Sign up to our email list for regular emails about supply issues and more(external link)