Government priorities for health

The Government lays out its expectations for the health sector in a number of documents.

Government Policy Statement on Health

The Government Policy Statement on Health 2024-27 is the public statement of what the Government expects the entire health system to deliver and achieve.

The Government is focused on accelerating action to address five non-communicable diseases:

  • cancer
  • cardiovascular disease
  • respiratory disease
  • diabetes
  • poor mental health.

The Government has also prioritised early access to preventative interventions, including immunisations.

Pharmac’s work can help address these conditions.Find more detail about the statement and the government’s expectations on the Ministry of Health (Manatū Hauora) website

Government Policy Statement Health – Ministry of Health(external link)

Government letter of expectation

The Government's Letter of Expectations sets out its health system priorities over the coming three years. These are:

  • Faster cancer treatment
  • Improved immunisation
  • Shorter stays in emergency departments
  • Planned care – shorter wait times for first specialist assessment
  • Planned care – shorter wait times for elective treatment
  • Improved mental health and addiction services

Letters of Expectations

Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Act 2022

The Pae Ora Act sets out a long-term pathway for all agencies across the health and disability system to:

  • protect, promote, and improve the health of all New Zealanders
  • achieve equity in health outcomes among New Zealand’s population groups, including by striving to eliminate health disparities, in particular for Māori
  • build towards pae ora (healthy futures) for all New Zealanders.

The Pae Ora Act is the foundation for our vision and strategy and will underpin all our work. As we build our relationships and partnerships, we will take the opportunity to review the way that we work and re-think how we can better align with the principles and priorities of the system.

Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Act 2022 - link)

Pae ora health sector principles

The health sector should:

  • be equitable, including equitable outcomes for Māori
  • engage with Māori, population groups, and others to reflect their needs and aspirations
  • provide opportunities for Māori to exercise decision-making authority
  • provide choice of quality services to Māori and other population groups
  • protect and promote people’s health and wellbeing.

Pae ora at every level

Mauri ora (healthy individuals)

The health and disability sector will protect, promote, and improve the health of all New Zealanders

Whānau ora (healthy families)

The health and disability sector will achieve equity in health outcomes among New Zealand's population groups, including by striving to eliminate health disparities, in particular for Māori

Wai ora (healthy environments)

The health and disability sector will build towards pae ora (healthy futures for all New Zealanders)

Health sector strategies

To deliver Pae Ora (Healthy Futures), six strategies were identified to set the direction for a system that is equitable, accessible, cohesive and people-centred.

The six strategies are: 

The New Zealand Health Strategy(external link)

Pae Tū: Hauora Māori Strategy(external link)

Te Mana Ola: The Pacific Health Strategy(external link)

The Health of Disabled People Strategy(external link)

The Rural Health Strategy(external link)

The Women’s Health Strategy(external link)

These six strategies guide our work on delivering better health outcomes for New Zealand.

Strategic framework

Our strategic framework sets out our vision, our strategic priorities, and our values – and outlines our contribution to the principles and outcomes of the health and disability system.

More information 

Statement of Performance Expectations

Factors for Consideration – what we consider when deciding whether to fund a medicine, vaccine, or related product.

Hauora Arotahi | Māori health priorities