2024 flu season

Getting a flu jab helps reduce your risk of getting really sick or having to go to hospital.

On this page

Every year Pharmac funds an influenza vaccine for people who meet the eligibility criteria. The currently funded vaccine for people is called Influvac Tetra for adults and young people.

2024 eligibility

The flu season for 2024 begins on 2 April 2024. The flu vaccine is free for those who are most vulnerable to becoming very sick if they get the flu.

For the 2024 flu season, the vaccine is funded for everyone:

  • 65 years old and over

It is also funded for people under 65 who are most at risk of becoming very sick from flu, such as people:

  • with long-term conditions (like asthma, diabetes or cardiovascular disease)
  • with reduced immune function
  • who are pregnant
  • with specific mental health conditions or addiction issues
  • 4 years old and under who have been hospitalised for respiratory illness or have a history of significant respiratory illness.

Media release: Flu vaccine funded for around one million New Zealanders in 2024

2023 Distribution

In 2023, suppliers made available about 1.8 million vaccine doses and 1.56 million doses were distributed. 

Planning for flu vaccine ordering and manufacturing happens many months before the start of the flu season. Flu vaccine suppliers start their planning about 12 months before the flu season starts each year. The final quantity of vaccine to be made for the season is usually confirmed by the end of September. Manufacturers can’t make more flu vaccine during the flu season if demand is higher than forecast because the manufacturers are busy making vaccine for the Northern Hemisphere season.

Influenza vaccine: Pharmac’s role

Graph shows that 2023 saw more vaccines in arms earlier than previous years. .
Influenza vaccine doses distributed by calendar day in 2023, 2022 and 2021 (cumulative) (as at 17 July 2023)

Who to contact

If you have questions about flu vaccine funding, email enquiry@pharmac.govt.nz