Pharmaceutical Schedule
All funded medicines in New Zealand.
Community Schedule
Practitioners supply order (PSO)
Extemporaneously compounded products and galenicals
Hospital Medicines (HML)
Schedule Updates
Schedule resources
About the Schedule
Rules of the Schedule
Hospital Medical Devices
Medicine funding and supply
Ask us to fund a medicine | Check changes to medicines | How do generics work?
Make an application
Medicine notices (includes supply issues)
Brand changes, discontinuations and more.
The funding process
What you need to know about medicines and devices
Medicine supply management
Order condoms and nicotine replacement | About supply management
Progress to funding cancer and other medicines
Hospital medical devices
The hospital medical devices programme
Using the Hospital Medical Devices List
Getting devices onto the Hospital Medical Devices List
Category Information
Medical devices we have contracted and the ones we're working on
Hospital Medical Devices List
Download the latest hospital medical devices schedule
Hospital medical device supply management
The future of hospital medical device management
Device Advice
Read and subscribe to our devices newsletter
Our role in hospital medical devices
Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Te Tiriti o Waitangi policy
Pharmac's Te Tiriti o Waitangi Policy came into effect in November 2022.
Te Whaioranga
Te Pātaka Whaioranga's Māori Responsiveness Strategy
Hauora Arotahi
The Māori health areas of focus
Scholarships for Māori health professionals and students.
How we work with Whānau Ora
News and resources
Consultations and decisions
includes RFPs and tenders.
News, stories, and updates
Official information releases
How to make an OIA or Privacy Act request and find information Pharmac has already released.
Publications and resources
Continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) and insulin pumps
Funded from 1 October 2024 for eligible people. Find out who qualifies and what is funded.
Pharmac's research
Strategic Direction
Our plan to deliver the best health outcomes for New Zealanders
Access equity
Our work to improve equity of access to medicines in New Zealand.
The Pharmac Review
What we do
Who we are
How we get expert advice
Advice we seek to make decisions
Working at Pharmac
Explore current vacancies
Contact us
How to get in touch
Have your say on our proposal to fund treatments for stage III and IV melanoma
Please note:
When you give feedback on a consultation, your feedback becomes official information that Pharmac holds. Pharmac has legal responsibilities for how we manage this official information, under laws such as the Official Information Act and Privacy Act.
Pharmac may receive a request from people for official information, which could include your feedback. Legally, Pharmac must consider whether your feedback should be released.
We will consider your views when assessing whether the feedback has to be released.
If your feedback is proposed for release, then Pharmac will contact you, unless there is a legal reason that we can't.
Note that Pharmac collects and holds your information in line with our Privacy Statement.