Perindopril (Coversyl) tablets: New look, same medicine

New look Active

Perindopril is a long-acting ACE inhibitor for the treatment of hypertension, heart failure, and established coronary artery disease. The Coversyl brand of perindopril has a new look.

New packaging

The packaging for all strengths of Coversyl will change. It is still the same medicine, made by the same company and Medsafe approved.

4 mg strength tablet has changed

The 4 mg tablet has a different shape and colour. It is the same medicine made by the same company.

Canadian tablets are green with 2 triangles etched on one side. The New Zealand tablets are white, and the only etching is the score mark..
Perindopril 4 mg tablets (not shown to scale)

Packaging for all strengths is changing

2 mg Coversyl carton is mostly white with 2 red stripes, 2 mg appears in large grey letters. The blister pack also gives the strength.
Coversyl 2 mg packaging (not shown to scale)
Half the 4 mg Coversyl carton is light green with 4 red stripes, 4 mg appears in large green letters. The blister pack also gives the strength.
Coversyl 4 mg packaging (not shown to scale)
Half the 8 mg Coversyl carton is dark green with 8 red stripes, 8 mg appears in large grey letters. The blister pack also gives the strength.
Coversyl 8 mg packaging (not shown to scale)

When is this happening

By April 2024, it is expected that all Coversyl product with wholesalers will be New Zealand-labelled product. 

  • Available now: 2 mg Coversyl 
  • 1 March 2024: 8 mg Coversyl change complete
  • 30 April 2024: 4 mg Coversyl packaging and tablets change

Why is this happening?

Since 2021, Coversyl has been dispensed with Canadian packaging. Medsafe had said this could happen until New Zealand packaging was available. New Zealand Coversyl packs are now available. 

PDF downloads for pharmacists 


Who to contact

If you have questions about this issue, email

Please include as much information as you can about the product (presentation, brand, pharmacode) and who your wholesaler is.  

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