Decision to list medical devices supplied by Defries Industries New Zealand Limited and Pro-Med Technologies Limited

Hospital devices Decision

We are pleased to announce the approval of non-exclusive listing agreements with Defries Industries New Zealand Limited and Pro-Med Technologies Limited for the supply of obstetrics and gynaecology products to DHBs.

What we are doing

We are pleased to announce the approval of non-exclusive listing agreements with Defries Industries New Zealand Limited (“Defries”) and Pro-Med Technologies Limited (“Pro-Med”) for the supply of obstetrics and gynaecology products to DHBs.

In summary this will result in:

  • Defries’ obstetrics and gynaecology products being listed in Part III of Section H of the Pharmaceutical Schedule from 1 July 2019; and
  • Pro-Med’s obstetrics and gynaecology products being listed in Part III of Section H of the Pharmaceutical Schedule from 1 July 2019.
  • DHBs being able to continue to purchase other suppliers’ brands of obstetrics and gynaecology products as the agreements are not for sole supply.

Any changes to the original proposals?

This decision was subject to consultation letters for:

The price of a line item in Defries’ proposal was adjusted as a result of consultation feedback. No changes were made to Pro-Med’s proposal as a result of consultation feedback.

Who we think will be most interested

  • DHB Staff:
    • Theatre staff
    • Obstetricians, gynaecologists and surgeons
    • Surgical, gynaecology and general ward staff
    • Delivery suite staff
    • Midwives
    • Procurement Officers
  • Suppliers and Wholesalers

Detail about this decision

In 2018 PHARMAC issued Requests for Proposals (“RFPs") for obstetric and gynaecology products.

The RFPs were for non-exclusive national agreements for listing in the Pharmaceutical Schedule.

After evaluating Defries and Pro-Med’s proposals, and consulting on the provisional agreements reached with them, PHARMAC has decided to list Defries and Pro-Med’s range of obstetrics and gynaecology products, in Part III of Section H of the Pharmaceutical Schedule from 1 July 2019.

The following product ranges and brands are included in the agreements:


Product ranges



Obstetrical, Gynaecological and Fertility devices

DeRoyal Industries

OBP Medical


Degania Silicone


Obstetrical devices

Amaryll Kombikit


Breast Shell

Calypso Pro


Clinic pumpset


Clinicare pumpset

Easy Clean Bags


Kiwi Omnicup


Onemum Pumpset


Tulip Nipple shield

These agreements are the latest to arise from the obstetrics and gynaecology RFP.

The list of products will be available on PHARMAC's website from 1 July 2019, in both a PDF document and an Excel spreadsheet.

DHBs can continue to choose which obstetrics and gynaecology products they purchase, including those from other suppliers.  DHBs that purchase Defries or Pro-Med’s products listed on the Pharmaceutical Schedule, must do so under the terms and conditions, and at the prices, included in the agreements from 1 July 2019.

PHARMAC expects to reach agreements with a number of other suppliers over the coming months for the supply of obstetrics and gynaecology products to DHBs.

Our response to what you told us

We appreciate the time people took to respond to this consultation.

All consultation responses received by 29 April 2019 for Defries products and 6 June 2019 for Pro-Med’s products were considered in making the decision to approve each agreement. 

A summary of the main themes raised in feedback and our responses to the feedback received are set out below:


PHARMAC comment

Defries and Pro-Med agreements

Feedback that no technical or resource impacts are expected as a result of the proposals. 


Defries agreement

DHB query about the price of a line item included in the proposal.

PHARMAC staff confirmed with Defries regarding the price of a line item. Schedule 1 was updated to reflect the change in price.

If you have any questions about this decision, you can email us at; or call our toll free number (9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday) on 0800 66 00 50.