Maviret for treating hepatitis C

Accessing funded Maviret 

Any doctor can prescribe Maviret but only Maviret AbbVie Care pharmacies can dispense funded Maviret.

If you have a prescription for Maviret, you need to find the nearest pharmacy enrolled in the Maviret AbbVie Care programme. 

Next steps

  • Take your prescription to the pharmacy you chose from the list.
  • The pharmacy will order Maviret in for you. It may take a few days to arrive.
  • When your Maviret arrives, the pharmacy will contact you.
  • You will not be charged.

No AbbVie Care pharmacy near you?

If you cannot access an AbbVie Care pharmacy for Maviret, your prescriber can contact Healthcare Logistics (HCL) to ask for the alternative distribution form:

0800 222 843

Treatment course

A treatment course is either 8 weeks, 12 weeks or 16 weeks, depending on your clinical needs. 

More information about Maviret

Hepatitis C management in primary care – BPACnz website(external link)

Integrated approach to the delivery of hepatitis C services - Health NZ(external link)

New Zealand Formulary: Maviret(external link)